Our Areas of Expertise

The principals of Change Agency have over fifty years of direct and current expertise, gained both domestically and internationally. We have worked across many areas of our client organisations including distribution, supply chain and logistics, safety, compliance and risk, service, sales, marketing, project management, shared services and have chosen to work in four broad areas;

  • Improve leadership capability
  • Increase revenue generation capability
  • Improve organisational communication
  • Support change projects dealing with culture or systems


Leadership is one of the most heavily discussed topics in business and is the subject of extensive research. The topic has been broken down into a multitude of specific interest areas and has almost become too complex for simple application. Whether it is differentiated hierarchically, operationally or even gender-based there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to leadership development. ‘Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to make something simple’ –
Richard Branson

At Change Agency we believe in the simple philosophy that leadership is three things, in this order;• Know yourself • Know your people • Know your job. Our work is designed to create self-awareness, improve emotional intelligence and build simple systems and processes to achieve sustainable commercial outcomes.



Communication is often cited as the number one issue for organisations in staff climate surveys. At Change Agency we believe that communication is the absolute accountability of the person sending the message. Whilst some may choose to challenge this concept, there is absolute liberation in accepting full accountability for how others receive your message.

Whether communicating with one person or many, there are several simple and effective methods to ensure that your messages are received in the way they were intended.



Change, together with death and taxes is one of the few certainties of life. Our ability to deal with change is one of the keys to happiness and satisfaction. At Change Agency we look at how change impacts enterprises at an individual level and how their predispositions can impact on their ability to cope with, and thrive during, periods of change.

We provide tools that allow people to build resilience, confidence and capability to ensure a higher level of participation in change projects. Ultimately we help our clients to build change-capable cultures that can thrive and grow in periods of uncertainty.



Revenue is a direct output of activity and capability. The marketing/sales model you employ is only as good as your processes and your people’s ability to execute their plans. Change Agency recognises the distinction between these key areas and supports the development of the six key inputs that drive increased revenue.

We employ state of the art models, tools and systems to build a deep and compelling understanding of your marketplace. We utilise cutting-edge skill development techniques to improve your people’s ability to build value-based relationships with their clients.

Service Policy

Everyone at Change Agency is committed to treating others as they would like to be treated. They are encouraged to do whatever is required to achieve the outcome.


Easy to do business with


Simplify the complex


Guarantee behaviour change